1. A Distributed National Research Infrastructure for the Comprehensive Characterisation of Foods., FoodOmicsGR_RI, 12th International Conference on “Instrumental Methods of Analysis” (IMA-2021), 20-23 September 2021. http://aclab.web.auth.gr/ima2021/#xl_xr_page_invited
  2. FoodOmicsGR National Research Infrastructure Comprehensive Characterisation of Foods. [PDF]
  3. Lipidomics investigation of traditional Greek yoghurt skin (petsa) utilizing RP-UHPLC-TOFMS following exhaustive liquid-liquid extraction. Pesiridou et al. [PDF]
  4. Distinguishing 1- and 3-methylhistidine isomers based on combined chromatographic and ion abundance characteristics. Samsonidis et al. [PDF]
  5. Novel MALDI-TOF-MS-based methodology for rapid detection of PDO feta cheese adulteration. Kritikou et al. [PDF]
  6. Comparison of NMR and LC-HRMS Platforms in the Metabolic Profiling of Greek Table Olives.v Beteinakis et al. [PDF]
  7. Holistic untargeted LC-HRMS-based metabolomics workflow for food authenticity studies: Exploiting both RPLC- & HILIC-HRMS platforms capability for citrus juices authenticity investigation. Kritikou et al. [PDF]
  8. Elemental metabolomics nutritional value of Polish and Greek honeys - Mn, Cu and Mg. Drivelos et al. [PDF]
  9. Utilising Head-Space Solid Phase Microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled to Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) for the classification of Greek wines based on their volatile composition. Marinaki et al. [PDF]
  10. Integrated NMR and LC-MS metabolite profiling data for the quality control of table olives. Beteinakis et al. [PDF]